How you can become…

The most trusted voice in your market

It’s high noon.

As The World Turns is on TV.

Walter reviews his stories.

Lee watches a parade go by.

John waves from his limousine.

The date is November 22, 1963

Moments later, Lee Harvey Oswald guns down President John Kennedy from his perch high above the street.

And America learns about it from Walter Kronkite.

You can watch that historic moment here.

Kronkite was visibly shaken.

Yet he delivered the horrible news with a perfect mix of human emotion and stoic professionalism.

In that moment, Kronkite became “the most trusted man in America.”

So, take a cue from Walter Kronkite.

He used 3 specific elements to gain attention and build trust.

Next time, I’ll explain how you can deploy the key element Kronkite used to become “the most trusted voice” in your own market.

Jack Heald
Producer • Host
38atoms Podcasts

PS: Spoiler alert. Podcasters are the new Kronkites. Not sure how to start? Grab your own copy of the free guide Guide How to Produce and Publish a Podcast Episode for step-by-step instructions.