Podcast Analytics How to InterpretPodcast Listener Numbers How many people listen to a podcast? Podcast hosts publish “listener numbers”, but those numbers can be a little “squishy.” To understand why, you need to understand a little of the...
Articulate Your Damn Thoughts

Articulate Your Damn Thoughts

P.D. Mangan wrote this morning: “Historically, writing progressed from pictographs to letters, but is now going in reverse.” This is a trend I’ve been observing for almost 20 years, (coincident with the rise of the internet.) We’ve drifted from...
What’s the Right Soundtrack for Lifting?

What’s the Right Soundtrack for Lifting?

When I first started lifting, I didn’t know my own physical limits. So I started light. (One of Jim Wendler’s maxims is “”Start Light and Go Slow.” I trust Jim Wendler.) The amount of weight I was lifting at the time didn’t require...

No One Can Teach You Anything

Arman Chowdhury had a powerful insight about self-teaching on Twitter: Self teaching is one of the best teaching methods out there. It allows you to go in the process of gathering the theory & applying it for yourself. It’s a longer process than just getting...