What’s the Right Soundtrack for Lifting?

What’s the Right Soundtrack for Lifting?

When I first started lifting, I didn’t know my own physical limits. So I started light. (One of Jim Wendler’s maxims is “”Start Light and Go Slow.” I trust Jim Wendler.) The amount of weight I was lifting at the time didn’t require...

No One Can Teach You Anything

Arman Chowdhury had a powerful insight about self-teaching on Twitter: Self teaching is one of the best teaching methods out there. It allows you to go in the process of gathering the theory & applying it for yourself. It’s a longer process than just getting...

The Trusted Voice: Part 2

(Part 2) How you can become… The most trusted voice in your market  JFK’s killing stunned the country. Americans were shocked. And Walter Kronkite earned the country’s trust with the way he reported it. Last time, I promised I’d explain how you can become “the...
The Trusted Voice: Part 1

The Trusted Voice: Part 1

It’s high noon on Friday. “As The World Turns” is just starting on TV. Walter writes stories. Lee watches a parade go by. John waves to the crowds.